Yogurt from the Bethábara Mission Farm

Our cows at the farm

Welcome on our first blog about our life in Malawi! In this blog we will tell you what we do at this moment to reduce the costs of our mission work: we make our own yogurt…

We have had five cows on the Mission Center farm for a few months now. That’s why we hear every morning: “Hello, hello!” and then one of our farmers stands at our gate with a pail of milk. In the afternoon he comes again and so we get about 16 liters of milk from the farm every day. We use most of this to make yogurt. We learned this from Peter, a Malawian farmer.

Peter talking about the flavoring for the yogurt
Hessiah and Julia loved to help Peter

When we have finished our schoolwork, we go outside. Then we prepare the charcoal stove. Meanwhile we pour the milk through several strainers, we add some powder and then we put the milkcan on the charcoal stove.

The charcoal stove is started
We pour the milk in the milkcan

We stir the milk well, until the thermometer reads 90 degrees. Then we remove the milkcan from the stove and add the sugar. After this we let the milk cool down in a large bucket with water, until the thermometer shows 45 degrees.

Hanna is stirring the milk

Then we pour the milk into smaller pails and prepare different flavors of yogurt: vanilla, strawberry, mango, pineapple or banana yogurt. After the yogurt has been covered in blankets for a while and then refrigerated, it’s time to put it into small bottles.

The little children love to help
The yogurt is put into bottles

The next morning Esther comes to pick up our yogurt. With a large cool box on her head, filled with 30 bottles of yogurt, she leaves a little later and goes to the market in Chadzunda. The children love to help in making the yogurt, but the tasting of the yogurt is the best part ofcourse! 🙂

Esther on her way to Chadzunda market

With love from all of us in Malawi and until next time!

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