Support us
One-time donation
You can currently make a one-time donation for the following projects:
- Build mission center
- Training mission center
- Translation work Bible literature
- Purchase and Distribution of Bibles in ChiChewa
- General donation
Account number: NL98 RABO 0341 9308 57 in the name of Stichting Ikabod BIC: RABONL2U Description: "General donation Malawi", or "Projectname + Malawi"
You can transfer your donation to our account number. Indicate in the description for which project you want to donate, followed by “Malawi”. You can also give a general donation, we will then use your donation where it is most needed. For a general donation, put ‘General donation Malawi’ in the description.
Periodic donation
You can also support the Bethábara Malawi Foundation with a periodic donation. The advantage of this is that it is 100% deductible (in the Netherlands). If you would like to support us in this way, we would like to ask you to contact us. We will then send you an agreement form. You conclude this agreement with us as a foundation, no notarial deed is required. When entering into the agreement, keep the following conditions of the tax authorities in mind:
- You give the same amount every year.
- You donate the amount for at least 5 consecutive years or longer.
- You have set the term with an end date.
- You will not receive anything in return for the donation.
- The periodic donation is laid down in an agreement.
- In case of marriage, your spouse must also give his/her consent.
- The gift is paid by bank.
NB! A periodic donation without an agreement is regarded by the tax authorities as an ‘ordinary gift’. At that time, different rules apply to the deduction of your income.
If you would like to periodically support us as a company, we would like to ask you to contact our treasurer (Gerrit van Aken,