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Home sweet home!

Happy faces!
A warm welcome from Aubrey

Wednesday, April 12… Early, early in the morning I received a message from the family that they would take their flight to Lilongwe in a few hours. It was so nice to know that they were now actually coming close! With great joy and thankfulness of heart I could do the last preperations for their home coming…

How thankful we could be that “our God and Father had directed their way back unto us!” For “even though they were taken from us for a short time in presence, not in heart, we endeavoured the more abundantly to see their face with great desire…”

In the afternoon I received a call that they were on their way home now! From 8 at night I was listening carefully… “Is this the sound of the van?” Around 10 I went outside and heard the van coming home! I could after 5 months open the gate again and see the family that is so dear to me! 

How joyful and thankful I was to see them all again… To eat and give thanks together with them… We read after the meal from Mark 16, where our Lord Jesus Christ commands His disciples: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” We are also thankful that the family is back in Malawi again, so that the gospel again may go out to the many Malawians… So that many will turn from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of our God and Savior…

The family has now been here for a few weeks already. Also Thymen, my brother, has come with them to help in the building at the land.

Trijnie is making the yogurt and taking care of her family. The children are doing school again and enjoying the Malawian sun 🙂 

Richard has continued all the mission work again, especially in going out again to evangelize. Everything is going well and we may together serve our God with gladness!

In the next blogs we hope to introduce some of the families from our church here, so that you can get to know them too… 🙂

We pray for you and thank you for your prayers for us! 

Much love from Malawi!

The boys, with Theymen, in front of the gate
Last Modified on 25 May 2023
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