Some months ago we shared with you a little about our life here in Malawi. Shortly after that, in November, the evangelist and his family left to travel back for a few months to Canada and Holland. We think back to the day they left in great love and joy.. In every way they had taken care of me… How lovely it was to pray and read together that morning… To give each other in God’s hands, until He would bring us together again… All the children had made a beautiful piece of art and when I went to my apartment, Hanna had put everywhere little notes of love… So sweet! We love them and we miss them… but we hope, not for long anymore… 😊

When Tonde (our preacher and builder) came to talk one day, before he went to his work at the land, I said to him: “Tonde, I know now when they’re coming home!” Then he smiled and said: “You’re very happy about it, I can see. Me too. I miss them.” And he imitated Richard. How he was picking flowers for Trijnie. He laughed and said that he would rather have chicken, than flowers 😊 Trizza (our cleaner) tells me often how she misses the noise of the children in our home. And she would say: “Tell Ma’am, that I miss her and everyone!” Sometimes I say to Esther (my loving sister and helper in the Bible stories and Bible studies): “Only so much more days, Esther!” And then we are together already joyful for their home coming… 😊 When I tell the children on Saturdays about the “Azungu’s”, they are all very quiet. And when I asked them: “Are you all happy that the family is now almost, almost coming home?” They answered all together: “Eeee! Kenako titha kusewera nawo!” (Yes! Then we can play with them!) As you can see, we will all be só joyful and thankful when they’re home again!

Even though we’re missing them, we can also give thanks to our God for all His loving care… For the family and for us here! He has shown to us the truth of His own words: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” From the day that the family left us, until now, we can only say: “Great is Thy faithfulness!” Who is a King, a Shepherd, a Father, a Guide, a Comforter, a Helper, like unto Him? Hanna wrote it down for me, before they left and I have found it true… “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in trouble.” His grace is sufficient for every day and He is so willing to care for us, when we cast our cares upon Him… Nothing is too small for His love or too great for His power! In every day He has shown Himself to be our El-Shaddai… The God Who is enough for us… So patient, loving, rich in mercy and always willing to take our hand and lift us up again..!

To share something of God’s loving care and that He’s still the same as when Mary Slessor wrote what prayer was to her… She said: “My life is one long story of answered prayers, daily, yes hour by hour. Prayer for bodily strength, prayer in distress, in wonderful ways seeing His guidance, mistakes that I’ve been protected for and dangers that have been taken away. Enmity against the Gospel that has been taken away, yes, for all things that have to do with my life and deficient service to God… With great adoration and amazement I can testify: I believe that God answers prayer!”
On a Sunday I was walking with Priscilla to our church. She looked at the corn and said to me: “Pray Nienke, I’m praying for rain! My corn needs rain…” The week after that it was raining… Só much that I thought… How can I do the Christmas celebration with the children at the land? If it will rain that day, how can the children come? It would not be possible for the little ones, because it would be too much water and mud, the way they have to walk. And we would eat together, but I thought… How can I give the children all the space that they need in the Mission Center? So we prayed together that our Father would keep that day the rain in the clouds… And our God answered our prayer… The day of Christmas the sun was shining brightly for the first time that week, no dark cloud was to be seen… Many children had been brought by His hand to hear how Abraham offered his son… To hear from God’s love to this world, in giving us His Son, to be a sacrifice for our sins… Also for the children in Chadzunda… How joyful the children were when they saw we had prepared some food for everyone… How thankful we were when we went home… Rejoicing in our loving God and Father… “He abideth faithful, even if we believe not!”
We have seen the care of our God also in the love of the Malawians. They have been so helpful and loving as brothers and sisters… One time I said to Aubrey (our farm manager) when there was a technical problem… “Sometimes I wish I could ask my father or my brother about things like this or that Richard was here. They would all know what to do, but now I should actually figure it out myself I think…” 😊 Then he answered, smiling: “You should not say that. I want to be a brother for you. The next time, just come to me right away and I will help you.” If I ask Esther to go with me to the market, she always says: “Ofcourse I am willing to go with you! When you have time, you let me know and we will go together.”

If I come to Tonde and Priscilla to quickly bring something to them, they are always so joyful and say: “Takulandilani, lowani!” (“You are most welcome, come in please!”) “Please wait a little bit, then we can eat nsima together!” And if Replaca (their little son) sees me coming, he smiles, expecting something sweet to eat… He loves our yogurt or something that I baked and will say to me: “Tathokoza kwambiri, tseke, tseke, tseke!” 😊 (Very much appreciated, só sweet!”) Priscilla then takes me to her kitchen and we make the nsima together. We eat together, read the Bible and sing the Chichewa hymns together… What a sweet place of peace their home is for me!

How often has our God shown Himself to be “our Father of all mercies and our God of all comfort..!” That He is also the God of Love, even in His judgements… Some weeks ago the cyclone Freddy came over Malawi… Many people have been affected and many have lost their lives… Aubrey and Tonde went to the homes of some of the most affected people in the villages around us. They talked with them and invited them to come to the Mission Center on the Wednesday after.

That Wednesday we listened together to God’s words from Jeremiah chapter 7… That it is God’s hand, doing this, because of all our sins… But that He is doing it, also in His love, because He wants us to return unto Him, so that we may be healed and be blessed… So that we may be forgiven and ready for Jesus’ coming… After the sermon we invited them to come on Friday again to receive some food items.

Everyone received the gifts in joy and thankfulness… How we wish that this all has brought sinners to the only and complete Savior… That many have washed their garments in the blood of the Lamb…

As I’m writing now, it’s only 9 more days until we hope to hear the van coming home and we will see the family again, that is so dear to us… So the next time we hope to share more about their life again in Malawi… We want to thank you all for your prayers and gifts… We pray for you too and wish you all the blessing of our God…
Much love from all of us!